On this page you may use the links in the table below (left hand side) to access the Coast Guard's enterprise public email delivery system called "Gov Delivery" to register to receive emails with the information as noted in the links. This is a free subscription service.
Additionally, on the right hand side of the table are the Navigation Center RSS (Really Simple Syndication) Feeds for various topics. These feeds update automatically and immediately when we publish information.
RSS feeds are data formats used to publish digital content, such as blogs, news, podcasts, or other information.
To view the information in an easy-to-read format, you have two options:
1. Download and install on your computer, one of many "RSS news readers" and configure it to read our feeds. Use your favorite search engine to find these readers.
2. Install an extension to your web browser, available free from your web browser's extension or add-on "web store".
Once you have a reader or reader extension installed, you can click on the RSS icon on the right-hand side of the table below and view updated information, or alternatively, you can set your reader to automatically update and inform you that there is new information available.